EUSOBI Breast MRI Training Course 2025.1

June 6-7, 2025

Registration is open – be quick and save your place now!

EUSOBI Membership 2025

We are thankful for 2.624 members in 2024 and appreciate your enthusiasm to be part of this great community! We are happy to inform you that EUSOBI Membership application/renewal for 2025 is now online. 

EUSOBI/EYC Webinar Series 6

Don’t miss the sixth series of webinars, emphasizing on the developments in breast imaging.

EUSOBI Annual Scientific Meeting 2025

It is our great pleasure to invite you to our Annual Scientific Meeting, which will be held in Aberdeen in Scotland, from September 25 to 27, 2025!




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Core Values

  • Exchange knowledge and scientific and technical information
  • Uniform training programmes in breast imaging for European (and Non-European) radiologists and professionals
  • Support and improve research and training
  • Organise scientific meetings and events to ensure a continuous education in breast imaging
  • Bring breast professionals together
  • Improve information to women

Core Mission

The European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) is a non-political and non-profit society with the main goal of supporting the medical field of breast imaging in the widest sense of the word.

EUSOBI is dedicated to support research and education of the best actual screening, diagnostic and interventional practice within the European breast radiology community and beyond – as well as to publicise these methods to patients.
Membership of the society is open to all European (and Non-European) radiologists and professionals, who have an interest in any aspect of breast imaging.

Event Calendar


Please find below upcoming EUSOBI events as well as other breast related meetings which could be of interest to you:

Current Month


thu13mar18:00thu19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.3 / Developments in intermediate risk screening (i.e. including dense breasts)18:00 - 19:00(GMT+01:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

mon24mar18:00mon19:00MRI of the breast: Case Reading Session (FREE, Online)18:00 - 19:00(GMT+01:00) Event Organized BySchool of Radiology


wed23apr18:00wed19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.4 / Developments in recalls from screening18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

wed30apr19:15wed20:45CONTRAST ENHANCED MAMMOGRAPHY (CEM): Online Symposium with Marc Lobbes19:15 - 20:45(GMT+02:00) Event Organized BySchool of Radiology


tue13may18:00tue19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.5 / Developments in imaging patients with reconstructed breasts18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

wed14may19:15wed20:45Mammography Symposium with László Tabár – Spring Edition 25 "Special Focus: Imaging Women with Dense Breasts: How I Do It!“19:15 - 20:45(GMT+02:00) Event Organized BySchool of Radiology

fri23mayAll Daysat24EUSOBI Advanced Breast Imaging Primer: A preparatory course for the European Diploma in Breast Imaging(All Day)(GMT+02:00) Radnička cesta 21 Event Organized ByEUSOBI


mon02jun18:00mon19:00Foundations of Breast Imaging (#FoBI): Free case reading session18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized BySchool of Radiology

tue10jun18:00tue19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.6 / Developments in symptomatic women18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

thu12junAll Daysat14SIFEM 2025(All Day)(GMT+02:00) 2 Place de la Défense, 92092 Pueaux Event Organized BySociété d'Imagerie de la Femme

sat21junAll DayMRI of the breast: Basic Course(All Day: Saturday)(GMT+02:00) Event Organized BySchool of Radiology


wed02jul18:00wed19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.7 / Developments in breast interventions18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

sat05julAll DayMRI of the breast: Advanced Course(All Day: Saturday)(GMT+02:00) Event Organized BySchool of Radiology


wed27aug18:00wed19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.8 / Developments in breast imaging in male patients and transgender patients18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI


wed03sep18:00wed19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.9 / Developments in neoadjuvant systemic therapy monitoring18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

thu25sepAll Daysat27EUSOBI 2025(All Day)(GMT+02:00)

mon29sep18:00mon19:00MRI of the breast: Case Reading Session (FREE, Online)18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized BySchool of Radiology


thu16oct18:00thu19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.10 / Developments in follow-up patients after breast cancer treatment18:00 - 19:00(GMT+02:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

mon27oct18:00mon19:00Foundations of Breast Imaging (#FoBI): Free case reading session18:00 - 19:00(GMT+01:00) Event Organized BySchool of Radiology


wed12nov18:00wed19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.11 / Developments in AI-tools (almost) ready to use for breast imaging18:00 - 19:00(GMT+01:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI

sat22novAll DayMRI of the breast: Expert Course (with Pascal Baltzer and Matthias Dietzel)(All Day: Saturday)(GMT+01:00) Event Organized BySchool of Radiology


tue16dec18:00tue19:00EUSOBI Webinar 6.12 / Developments in lymph node and distant staging18:00 - 19:00(GMT+01:00) Event Organized ByEUSOBI




The European Society of Breast Imaging is growing year by year. Not only its members have increased to a record-breaking number of 2.077 in the previous year, also its activities with regards to research and education are growing and becoming more important for the breast imaging community worldwide. Therefore, the EUSOBI Executive Board & Committees are looking for keen and enthusiastic radiologists, radiology residents or other medical specialists with an interest in breast imaging to join our various committees.


ESR eBook for Undergraduate Education in Radiology – Breast Imaging Chapter

The eBook for Undergraduate Education in Radiology is a project developed by the Education Committee and the Undergraduate Education Subcommittee of the European Society of Radiology. This eBook has been created to serve medical students, but also residents in their first year(s) of training, as well as academic teachers throughout Europe to understand and teach radiology as a whole coherent discipline, respectively.

We are happy to inform you that EUSOBI contributed to this eBook with the 14th chapter dedicated to Breast Imaging.

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Ask the Expert

Do you have a question on breast cancer?

Ask an expert! Our panel of experts in all the fields of breast will answer all of your questions. Share your thoughts with us on either breast imaging techniques, imaging interpretation, diagnosis, treatment, follow up or on research issues.

We will consult our experts and their answers will be published on our website!

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